
A Grid layout component that provides 24 grids, referring to the responsive design of Bootstrap.

Contains the following components:

  • <Grid>
  • <Row>
  • <Col>

Corresponds to the screen width:

  • xs, extra-small: < 480px
  • sm, small: ≥ 480px
  • md, medium: ≥ 992px
  • lg, large: ≥ 1200px


import { Grid, Row, Col } from 'rsuite';

import Grid from 'rsuite/Grid';
import Row from 'rsuite/Row';
import Col from 'rsuite/Col';






Push and Pull





Property Type (Default) Description
as ElementType ('div') You can use a custom element type for this component
fluid boolean Fluid layout, (100% width)


Property Type (Default) Description
as ElementType ('div') You can use a custom element type for this component
gutter number The spacing of the grids


Property Type (Default) Description
as ElementType ('div') You can use a custom element type for this component
lg number The number of columns you wish to span for Large devices Desktops (≥ 1200px)
lgHidden boolean Hide column on Large devices Desktops
lgOffset number Move columns to the right for Medium devices Desktops
lgPull number Change the order of grid columns to the left for Large devices Desktops
lgPush number Change the order of grid columns to the right for Large devices Desktops
md number The number of columns you wish to span for Medium devices Desktops (≥ 992px)
mdHidden boolean Hide column on Medium devices Desktops
mdOffset number Move columns to the right for Medium devices Desktops
mdPull number Change the order of grid columns to the left for Medium devices Desktops
mdPush number Change the order of grid columns to the right for Medium devices Desktops
sm number The number of columns you wish to span for Small devices Tablets (≥ 480px)
smHidden boolean Hide column on Small devices Tablets
smOffset number Move columns to the right for Small devices Tablets
smPull number Change the order of grid columns to the left for Small devices Tablets
smPush number Change the order of grid columns to the right for Small devices Tablets
xs number The number of columns you wish to span for Extra small devices Phones (< 480px)
xsHidden boolean Hide column on Extra small devices Phones
xsOffset number Move columns to the right for Extra small devices Phones
xsPull number Change the order of grid columns to the left for Extra small devices Phones
xsPush number Change the order of grid columns to the right for Extra small devices Phones
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